Friday, April 20, 2012

Ted Nugent: Off the Legal Hook for Bashing Obama

Ted Nugent will not face any criminal charges for his rant earlier this week against Barack Obama.

Threatening the President is against the law, of course, and the musician was forced to meet with the Secret Service after relaying a metaphor to attendees at a NRA convention that concluded with:

"If the coyote's in your living room, pissing on your couch, it's not the coyote's fault. It's your fault for not shooting him."

"The Secret Service interview of Ted Nugent has been completed," spokesman Brian Leary told Yahoo News. "The issue has been resolved. The Secret Service does not anticipate any further action."

Well, not that kind of action at least... if you know what we mean!

Appearing prior to the meeting on Glenn Beck's radio show (above video), Nugent said:

"The bottom line is I've never threatened anybody's life in my life. I don't threaten, I don't waste breath threatening. I just conduct myself as a dedicated 'We the people' activist because I've saluted too many flag-draped coffins to not appreciate where the freedom comes from."

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