Monday, June 4, 2012

Home Staging Mistakes You Want to Avoid - Maryland Real Estate ...


Home Staging Mistakes You Want to Avoid

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Home Page > Finance > Real Estate > Home Staging Mistakes You Want to Avoid

Home Staging Mistakes You Want to Avoid

Posted: Jun 01, 2012 |Comments: 0


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With foreclosures continually on the rise, the competition in the real estate market today is quite stiff. Homebuyers are presented with more options, making them more picky and meticulous in ensuring they are getting real value for their investment, whether they are purchasing a foreclosed property or not.

If already gone through the different tips and strategies to show off the property in the best possible light and finalize that home sale deal, you also need to be fully aware of what mistakes to avoid.

Here are some pointers:

Don?t fall short on home maintenance. Just because you are selling your foreclosed property doesn?t mean you can cut yourself some serious slack on your regular home maintenance. Properties that are not maintained well only attract property flippers and not homebuyers. These investors are known to come up low-ball offers, which is definitely not advantageous to you. As a home seller, make sure to regularly attend to the upkeep and update on maintenance jobs before putting your property on sale.
Don?t allow your property to be overshadowed by overgrown trees and plants. Potential homebuyers should see your entire home exterior. Make sure to regularly trim off bushes and trees that can only block the view, as well as prevent light from streaming in on any windows.
Remove wallpapers and borders. When it comes to selling a property, it?s not all about showcasing your design preferences and personal style. Take down anything to pertaining to personal d?cor and instead focus on neutralizing your home using subtle colors. This will help potential buyers easily envision your home as the living space they can possibly live in ? giving them a clean, neutral palette to work on.?
Never keep an empty home empty. Even if you and your family have moved in to a different property, avoid staging your foreclosed property bare. This will make potential buyers struggle with the difficulty of envisioning themselves living in a bare, austere property. There is also the fact that vacant homes tend to appear cold and sterile and rooms look smaller. This is why home staging and calling in the professionals can be such a viable solution in best showing off your property and enjoying higher sale value.
Renovations gone wrong. One major blunder that can derail a home sale is what could only be best described as a ?DIY nightmare.? While renovations are designed to enhance the beauty of a property, DIY projects that have gone wrong can have an opposite effect. Homebuyers may only view your renovation as something they have to make re-do.

While a home is generally a reflection of its dwellers, this should not apply when putting your property for sale. Stick to what is safe and neutral and steer clear from those bizarre and overly loud design choices. Unusual choice of paint colors and overly trendy choices can easily become major turnoffs that can even possibly devalue your property. If you have certain areas in the home that are no longer in use, it can be a good idea to convert it into a functional space such as a small home office or a gym. This does not only increase the value of your home, it can also make your property more appealing to home buyers.

About the Author: is the leading provider for online foreclosure listings.
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