Saturday, February 23, 2013



Welcome to Saved
This is the official OOC thread.

To see a more detailed and fleshed version of the Summary provided below, as well as information pertaining to creating a character, please visit this link:
To see the IC thread and participate in RPing, visit this link:

You are a remnant of humanity who has been Saved by an advanced, space-faring civilization so that you can retake Earth from an alien menace descending from something known as the Great Enemy. You, along with thousands of other humans, survive in a small area called the Community. From here, you stage expeditions out into the wild of Earth to fend off alien creatures, retake land, and investigate the mysteries that followed these aliens from wherever they came from. You are, for lack of a better term, an Explorator.

Now then, this being an OOC thread, everyone can feel free to post and re-post their characters in here, as well as bring up any questions, suggestions, or issues relating to the RP. Talk it up with everyone else involved. Anything, just as long as it's reasonably related to the RP
Also, feel free to PM me at any time, and I will respond ASAP.

As for posting in the IC thread, I will also lay down some rules.

-Don't post multiple times in a row. Make sure most everyone else gets a chance to post again before you do.
-You can edit your posts if you want, as long as it won't affect something someone else has written after you too badly, and if you do edit your posts, make sure it's obvious to someone who may have read your original post. Signify with something like this: Post Edited
-If too many people are to join, I'd like the amount of posts you make per day to be limited to three. For now, we're all good. As long as there isn't clutter and everyone has their chances to react to the happenings, no limit.
-Don't Godmod. That's pretty standard. Basically, it means not to take control of someone else's character in your own post.
-Lastly, make your posts a decent length.


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