Saturday, March 30, 2013

Vizio brings pricing and release information to spring line of laptops and desktops

Vizio brings pricing and release information to its spring line of laptops and desktops

For those opting to "replace" instead of "clean" this spring, Vizio's got a bit of news for you -- the outfit's latest line of touch-friendly laptops and desktops now have firm pricing details to pore over. Starting with the portables, the 14-inch Touch Thin + Light (CT14T-B0) will ship soon with an AMD A10 APU and a base price of $1,089.99; the Core i7-equipped CT14T-B1, however, will start at $1,419.99. For those needing a bit more screen to stare at, the 15.6-inch versions of these guys will go for $1,189.99 (AMD A10) / $1,469.99 (Intel Core i7). Sliding over to desktops, the 24-inch Touch All-in-One (CA24T-B0) will ship momentarily for $1,279.99 with an AMD A10 APU, while the Core i7-infused CA24T-B1 will start at $1,439.99 and the 27-inch CA27T-B1 will get going at $1,549.99. As you'd expect, Windows 8 will find itself on home across the entire range, and those looking to buy in immediately can do so at the source links below.

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Source: Vizio, Microsoft Store


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Family Home and Life: More Easter Ideas!

Here are more fun Easter Ideas if you need something last minute!

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Researchers discover how model organism Tetrahymena plays roulette with seven sexes

Mar. 26, 2013 ? It's been more than fifty years since scientists discovered that the single-celled organism Tetrahymena thermophila has seven sexes. But in all that time, they've never known how each cell's sex, or "mating type," is determined; now they do. The new findings are published 26 March in the open access journal PLOS Biology.

By identifying Tetrahymena's long-unknown mating-type genes, a team of UC Santa Barbara biologists, with research colleagues in the Institute of Hydrobiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and in the J. Craig Venter Institute, also uncovered the unusual process of DNA rearrangements needed for sex determination in this organism. The discovery has potential human health implications ranging from tissue transplantation to cancer, including allorecognition?the ability of an organism to distinguish its own tissues from those of another?which can be a first line of defense against infection and illness.

In the study, the scientists show that in this multi-sexed, single-celled organism, the sex of the progeny is randomly determined by a series of "cut and paste" genomic recombination events that assemble one complete gene pair and delete all others.

"We found a pair of genes that have a specific sequence which is different for each mating type," said Eduardo Orias, a research professor emeritus and part of the UCSB team. "They are very similar genes?clearly related to one another, going back probably to a common ancestor?but they have become different. And each is different in a specific way that determines the mating type of the cell."

Each unicellular Tetrahymena boasts two nuclei: the 'germline nucleus' and the 'somatic nucleus'. Genetic information for progeny cells is stored in the former, analogous to ovaries or testes in humans, while genes are actively transcribed in the latter, the "working copy" nucleus. The sex of the progeny is determined during mating, when fertilization results in new germline and somatic nuclei that are made using contributions from the germline nucleus of each parent.

The authors found that the germline nucleus contains a tandem array of similarly organized but incomplete gene pairs?one for each mating type (although Tetrahymena have seven sexes, the particular cell line used in this study has just six). In the new somatic nucleus, a single complete gene pair is assembled when DNA segments from each end of this array are fused to one of the six incomplete pairs, and the remaining five are deleted. This precise but random rearrangement leaves the new cell with exactly one gene pair?and one mating type.

"The mating type of the 'parents' has no influence whatsoever on the sex of the progeny," Orias said. "It's completely random, as if they had roulette wheel with six numbers and wherever the marble ends up is what they get. By chance they may have same mating type as the parents?but it's only by chance. It's a fascinating system."

"By understanding this process better in Tetrahymena, what we learn ultimately may be of use in medicine," Orias said. "Tetrahymena has about as many genes as the human genome. For thousands of those genes you can recognize the sequence similarity to corresponding genes in the human genome with the same biological function. That's what makes it a valuable organism to investigate important biological questions."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Public Library of Science, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Marcella D. Cervantes, Eileen P. Hamilton, Jie Xiong, Michael J. Lawson, Dongxia Yuan, Michalis Hadjithomas, Wei Miao, Eduardo Orias. Selecting One of Several Mating Types through Gene Segment Joining and Deletion in Tetrahymena thermophila. PLoS Biology, 2013; 11 (3): e1001518 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1001518

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Wastewater injection spurred biggest earthquake yet, says study

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A new study in the journal Geology is the latest to tie a string of unusual earthquakes, in this case, in central Oklahoma, to the injection of wastewater deep underground. Researchers now say that the magnitude 5.7 earthquake near Prague, Okla., on Nov. 6, 2011, may also be the largest ever linked to wastewater injection. Felt as far off as Milwaukee, more than 800 miles away, the quake?the biggest ever recorded in Oklahoma--destroyed 14 homes, buckled a federal highway and left two people injured. Small earthquakes continue to be recorded in the area. The study appeared today in the journal's early online edition.

The recent boom in U.S. energy production has produced massive amounts of wastewater. The water is used both in hydrofracking, which cracks open rocks to release natural gas, and in coaxing petroleum out of conventional oil wells. In both cases, the brine and chemical-laced water has to be disposed of, often by injecting it back underground elsewhere, where it has the potential to trigger earthquakes. The water linked to the Prague quakes was a byproduct of oil extraction at one set of oil wells, and was pumped into another set of depleted oil wells targeted for waste storage.

Scientists have linked a rising number of quakes in normally calm parts of Arkansas, Texas, Ohio and Colorado to below-ground injection. In the last four years, the number of quakes in the middle of the United States jumped 11-fold from the three decades prior, the authors of the Geology study estimate. Last year, a group at the U.S. Geological Survey also attributed a remarkable rise in small- to mid-size quakes in the region to humans. The risk is serious enough that the National Academy of Sciences, in a report last year called for further research to "understand, limit and respond" to induced seismic events. Despite these studies, wastewater injection continues near the Oklahoma earthquakes.

The magnitude 5.7 quake near Prague was preceded by a 5.0 shock and followed by thousands of aftershocks. What made the swarm unusual is that wastewater had been pumped into abandoned oil wells nearby for 17 years without incident. In the study, researchers hypothesize that as wastewater replenished compartments once filled with oil, the pressure to keep the fluid going down had to be ratcheted up. As pressure built up, a known fault?known to geologists as the Wilzetta fault--jumped. "When you overpressure the fault, you reduce the stress that's pinning the fault into place and that's when earthquakes happen," said study coauthor Heather Savage, a geophysicist at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.

The amount of wastewater injected into the well was relatively small, yet it triggered a cascading series of tremors that led to the main shock, said study co-author Geoffrey Abers, also a seismologist at Lamont-Doherty. "There's something important about getting unexpectedly large earthquakes out of small systems that we have discovered here," he said. The observations mean that "the risk of humans inducing large earthquakes from even small injection activities is probably higher" than previously thought, he said.

Hours after the first magnitude 5.0 quake on Nov. 5, 2011, University of Oklahoma seismologist Katie Keranen rushed to install the first three of several dozen seismographs to record aftershocks. That night, on Nov. 6, the magnitude 5.7 main shock hit and Keranen watched as her house began to shake for what she said felt like 20 seconds. "It was clearly a significant event," said Keranen, the Geology study's lead author. "I gathered more equipment, more students, and headed to the field the next morning to deploy more stations."

Keranen's recordings of the magnitude 5.7 quake, and the aftershocks that followed, showed that the first Wilzetta fault rupture was no more than 650 feet from active injection wells and perhaps much closer, in the same sedimentary rocks, the study says. Further, wellhead records showed that after 13 years of pumping at zero to low pressure, injection pressure rose more than 10-fold from 2001 to 2006, the study says.

The Oklahoma Geological Survey has yet to issue an official account of the sequence, and wastewater injection at the site continues. In a statement responding to the paper, Survey seismologist Austin Holland said the study showed the earthquake sequence could have been triggered by the injections. But, he said, "it is still the opinion of those at the Oklahoma Geological Survey that these earthquakes could be naturally occurring. There remain many open questions, and more scientific investigations are underway on this sequence of earthquakes and many others within the state of Oklahoma."

The risk of setting off earthquakes by injecting fluid underground has been known since at least the 1960s, when injection at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal near Denver was suspended after a quake estimated at magnitude 4.8 or greater struck nearby?the largest tied to wastewater disposal until the one near Prague, Okla. A series of similar incidents have emerged recently. University of Memphis seismologist Stephen Horton in a study last year linked a rise in earthquakes in north-central Arkansas to nearby injection wells. University of Texas, Austin, seismologist Cliff Frohlich in a 2011 study tied earthquake swarms at the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport to a brine disposal well a third of a mile away. In Ohio, Lamont-Doherty seismologists Won-Young Kim and John Armbruster traced a series of 2011 earthquakes near Youngstown to a nearby disposal well. That well has since been shut down, and Ohio has tightened its waste-injection rules.

Wastewater injection is not the only way that people can touch off quakes. Evidence suggests that geothermal drilling, impoundment of water behind dams, enhanced oil recovery, solution salt mining and rock quarrying also can trigger seismic events. (Hydrofracking itself is not implicated in significant earthquakes; the amount of water used is usually not enough to produce substantial shaking.) The largest known earthquakes attributed to humans may be the two magnitude 7.0 events that shook the Gazli gas fields of Soviet Uzbekistan in 1976, followed by a third magnitude 7.0 quake eight years later. In a 1985 study in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Lamont-Doherty researchers David Simpson and William Leith hypothesized that the quakes were human-induced but noted that a lack of information prevented them from linking the events to gas production or other triggers. In 2009, a geothermal energy project in Basel, Switzerland, was canceled after development activities apparently led to a series of quakes of up to magnitude 3.4 that caused some $8 million in damage to surrounding properties.

In many of the wastewater injection cases documented so far, earthquakes followed within days or months of fluid injection starting. In contrast, the Oklahoma swarm happened years after injection began, similar to swarms at the Cogdell oil field in West Texas and the Fort St. John area of British Columbia.

The Wilzetta fault system remains under stress, the study's authors say, yet regulators continue to allow injection into nearby wells. Ideally, injection should be kept away from known faults and companies should be required to provide detailed records of how much fluid they are pumping underground and at what pressure, said Keranen. The study authors also recommend sub-surface monitoring of fluid pressure for earthquake warning signs. Further research is needed but at a minimum, "there should be careful monitoring in regions where you have injection wells and protocols for stopping pumping even when small earthquakes are detected," said Abers. In a recent op-ed in the Albany (N.Y.) Times Union, Abers argued that New York should consider the risk of induced earthquakes from fluid injection in weighing whether to allow hydraulic fracturing to extract the state's shale gas reserves.


The Earth Institute at Columbia University:

Thanks to The Earth Institute at Columbia University for this article.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

UN to Temporarily Relocate Some Staff from Syria (Voice Of America)

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Snoring Causes, Effects, Natural and Medical Remedies | Workout ...

Out of the plenty of undesirable obstruction that people are experiencing now days, snoring is one of the most common issues. It not only disturbs the sleep of another person but also prevents the individual from getting a complete restful sleep. While snoring is quite common among all the people at a certain age, very loud snoring may be the sign of potential medical conditions for instance sleep apnea.

Causes of Heavy Snoring

Snoring is elevated due to certain products. Few of such consumables include milk products, alcoholic drinks, fatty and wheat food products, fried and processed foods, chocolate etc. Drugs that relax muscles also called psychoactive drugs also lead to increased snoring. People who snore should avoid the consumption of such foods and drugs. Moreover extra fat and smoking also clog the breathing channels causing the individual to snore loudly.

Stop Snoring Today!

How Snoring Can Be Restricted Naturally

The sleep environment greatly contributes in controlling snoring. The simplest way is to elevate the head from its normal position and sleep on one side. The tennis ball practice is also quite popular among the loud snorers. The patients place a ball in their shirt so that they do not sleep on their back.

The condition can also be considerably reduced by making necessary lifestyle changes. Regular sleep cycles for the obese people can reduce snoring since they have less area in their nostrils to inhale enough air. It is recommended for a person to sleep for at least six or seven hours every night in the same schedule.

Regular exercising and singing can also help reduce snoring. These practices strengthen the throat muscles as well as body for better health. Home remedies for snoring include taking honey later before sleeping in the night. This soothes the throat thereby clearing the nasal passageways. Similarly steam inhalation also helps. Spicy food, peppermint, Vitamin B6 and E are also quite helpful.

Medical Measures to Control Snoring

There are plenty of medical products available to reduce snoring which includes nasal strips, anti-snoring capsules, special surgeries and CPAP (Continuous Positive Air Pressure) Masks. Mouthpieces or Mandibular Advancement Splints (MAS) or simply Splints are other common dental appliances employed the people who snore loudly. Mouthpieces are an effective solution for those who suffer from mild to moderate sleep apnea.

They are generally made from plastic and are intended to preserve the throat muscles from collapsing.


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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Tony Bennett excited about making album with Gaga

Singer Tony Bennett attends the 2013 Amy Winehouse Foundation Inspiration Awards and Gala on Thursday March 21, 2013, at the Waldorf Astoria Starlight Room in New York. (Photo by Andy Kropa/Invision/AP)

Singer Tony Bennett attends the 2013 Amy Winehouse Foundation Inspiration Awards and Gala on Thursday March 21, 2013, at the Waldorf Astoria Starlight Room in New York. (Photo by Andy Kropa/Invision/AP)

FILE - This Dec. 15, 2012 file photo shows singer Lady Gaga performing at the Prudential Center in Newark, N.J. Lady Gaga's manager said in an interview Tuesday, March 19, 2013, that the singer is ?doing wonderful, doing great,? after undergoing hip surgery. Gaga canceled her "Born This Way Ball" tour last month after she'd hurt herself while performing some time ago. (Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP, file)

(AP) ? They haven't hit the studio yet, but Tony Bennett says he "can't wait" to record his next album with Lady Gaga.

The 86-year-old says in an interview Thursday that he and the pop star will record "a big swing album." He says "we have it all worked out already on paper."

Bennett and Gaga collaborated on "The Lady Is a Tramp" for his Grammy-winning, platinum-selling 2011 "Duets II" album. He called the 26-year-old a "wonderful person and a great talent."

Bennett released "Viva Duets," a collaborative album with Latin American singers including Gloria Estefan and Marc Anthony, in October.

He says he wants to work with Gaga because "she's quite different." He adds that he's also impressed with Gaga as a business woman.


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Friday, March 22, 2013

Sustainable Development Goals must sustain people and planet, experts say

Mar. 20, 2013 ? In the wake of last week's meetings at the UN on the definition of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a group of international scientists have published a call in the journal Nature today, arguing for a set of six SDGs that link poverty eradication to protection of Earth's life support. The researchers argue that in the face of increasing pressure on the planet's ability to support life, adherence to out-dated definitions of sustainable development threaten to reverse progress made in developing countries over past decades.

Ending poverty and safeguarding Earth's life support system must be the twin priorities for the Sustainable Development Goals, say the researchers. The team identified six goals that, if met, would contribute to global sustainability while helping to alleviate poverty.

"Climate change and other global environmental threats will increasingly become serious barriers to further human development," says lead author Professor David Griggs from Monash University in Australia. Humans are transforming Earth's life support system -- the atmosphere, oceans, waterways, forests, ice sheets and biodiversity that allow us to thrive and prosper -- in ways "likely to undermine development gains," he added.

Co-author Professor Johan Rockstr?m, director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre said, "Mounting research shows we are now at the point that the stable functioning of Earth systems is a prerequisite for a thriving global society and future development."

The team asserts that the classic model of sustainable development, of three integrated pillars -- economic, social and environmental -- that has served nations and the UN for over a decade, is flawed because it does not reflect reality. "As the global population increases towards nine billion people sustainable development should be seen as an economy serving society within Earth's life support system, not as three pillars," says co-author Dr. Priya Shyamsundar from the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics, Nepal.

The researchers say that the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), set to expire in 2015, have helped focus international efforts on eight poverty-related goals. However, despite successes in some areas -- the number of people living on less than one dollar a day has been more than halved -- many MDGs have not been met, and some remain in conflict with one another. Economic gains, for example, have come at the expense of environmental protection. Politicians are struggling to link global environmental concerns with addressing poverty.

The new set of goals -- thriving lives and livelihoods, food security, water security, clean energy, healthy and productive ecosystems, and governance for sustainable societies -- aim to resolve this conflict. The targets beneath each goal include updates and expanded targets under the MDGs, including ending poverty and hunger, combating HIV/aids, and improving maternal and child health. But they also define a set of planetary "must haves": climate stability, the reduction biodiversity loss, protection of ecosystem services, a healthy water cycle and oceans, sustainable nitrogen and phosphorus use, clean air and sustainable material use.

Co-author Dr. Mark Stafford Smith, science director of CSIRO's climate adaptation research programme in Australia said: "The key point is that the SDGs must genuinely add up to sustainability. The SDGs have the potential to lock in the spectacular gains on human development that we have achieved in the past two decades and help the globe transition to a sustainable lifestyle. But the link between these two aims must be more coherent."

The new research is linked to Future Earth, a new international research programme designed to "develop the knowledge required for societies worldwide to face challenges posed by global environmental change and to identify opportunities for a transition to global sustainability." Several authors are closely involved in developing this new research programme.

"Ultimately, the choice of goals is a political decision. But science can inform what combination of goals can achieve a sustainable future. And science can identify measurable targets and indicators," said Dr Stafford Smith.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by International Council for Science, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. David Griggs, Mark Stafford-Smith, Owen Gaffney, Johan Rockstr?m, Marcus C. ?hman, Priya Shyamsundar, Will Steffen, Gisbert Glaser, Norichika Kanie, Ian Noble. Policy: Sustainable development goals for people and planet. Nature, 2013; 495 (7441): 305 DOI: 10.1038/495305a

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Mars Curiosity rover exits 'safe mode'

Mar. 20, 2013 ? NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has returned to active status and is on track to resume science investigations, following two days in a precautionary standby status, "safe mode."

Next steps will include checking the rover's active computer, the B-side computer, by commanding a preliminary free-space move of the arm. The B-side computer was provided information last week about the position of the robotic arm, which was last moved by the redundant A-side computer.

The rover was switched from the A-side to the B-side by engineers on Feb. 28 in response to a memory glitch on the A-side. The A-side now is available as a back-up if needed.

"We expect to get back to sample-analysis science by the end of the week," said Curiosity Mission Manager Jennifer Trosper of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Engineers quickly diagnosed the software issue that prompted the safe mode on March 16 and know how to prevent it from happening again.

Other upcoming activities include preparations for a moratorium on transmitting commands to Curiosity during most of April, when Mars will be passing nearly directly behind the sun from Earth's perspective. The moratorium is a precaution against interference by the sun corrupting a command sent to the rover.

NASA's Mars Science Laboratory project is using Curiosity and the rover's 10 science instruments to investigate environmental history within Gale Crater, a location where the project has found that conditions were long ago favorable for microbial life. JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the project for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington.

More information about Curiosity is online at , and . You can follow the mission on Facebook at: and on Twitter at: .

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Russia says Syrian rebels used chemical arms near Aleppo

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia accused Syrian rebels of using chemical weapons in an attack on Tuesday and said it was an extremely alarming and dangerous development.

"According to information coming from Damascus, a case of the use of chemical weapons by the armed opposition was recorded early in the morning of March 19 in Aleppo province," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

It did not specify the exact source of information on the deadly attack, which Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's government and the rebels blamed on one another. It said the explosion of a piece of ammunition "containing a poisonous substance" killed 16 people and wounded about 100 others.

If confirmed, the attack would be the first use of chemical weapons in the two-year-old conflict that has killed more than 70,000 people and set Russia against the West.

"We are very seriously concerned by the fact that weapons of mass destruction are falling into the hands of the rebels, which further worsens the situation in Syria and elevates the confrontation in the country to a new level," the ministry said.

Russia has warned Assad's government not to use chemical weapons and said in December that Damascus had taken steps to ensure that chemical agents were secure by concentrating them at a smaller number of sites.

Moscow has protected Assad from threats of sanctions to press him to end violence, vetoing three Western-backed U.N. Security Council resolutions. It says his exit from power must not be a precondition for a political settlement.

(Reporting by Gabriela Baczynska; Editing by Steve Gutterman)


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Iraq postpones local elections in two provinces

By Drew Singer (Reuters) - Two teenage girls were arrested in Ohio on Monday and accused of using social media to threaten the young victim in a high-profile rape trial that concluded this past weekend, state Attorney General Mike DeWine said. A 16-year-old girl is charged with aggravated menacing after using Twitter to threaten the life of the victim, DeWine said in a statement. A 15-year-old girl is charged with one count of menacing after making a threat on Facebook, he said. ...


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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Petting Zoo for iPhone and iPad review

Petting Zoo for iPhone and iPad review

Petting Zoo by Christoph Niemann is a fun little interactive picture book for iPhone and iPad. Each page of the book features hand-drawn animations that interact with your touch.

The first page begins with a pencil drawing a hat that has a rabbit come out of it. Though you can't tell visually, the rabbit is pinned by its ears and feet, so when you swipe up, down, left, and right, the rabbit's body will stretch over in the respective direction Tapping him once will stretch him backwards and then bounce forward. The animations are great, especially considering they were hand-drawn.

When you advance to the next page, the rabbit morphs into a dog house and a long, skinny dachshund walks out of it. Using gestures, you can tie him in a knot and even make him breakdance.

As you turn the pages, the drawings morph from one zoo animal to another. There are 21 different animals and all of them respond to your touch.

The good

  • Thousands of frames of hand-drawn animation
  • Playful, musical sounds for each animal
  • Fun for all ages, from infants to adults

The bad

  • No complaints

The bottom line

Petting Zoo is an awesome kids book that even adults will enjoy. My two-year-old daughter thinks it's hilariously fun.

$1.99 - Download now


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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

PFT: Kruger to join Browns for $8-9M per season

Tennessee Titans v Buffalo BillsGetty Images

The Ryan Fitzpatrick era is over, and Buffalo needs a new quarterback.

The Bills have announced that they cut Ryan Fitzpatrick today, on the first day of the new league year.

Cutting Fitzpatrick isn?t a big surprise, considering that the Bills owed him a $3 million roster bonus if he was still on the team tomorrow, and that Bills G.M. Buddy Nix was surreptitiously taped talking about, among other things, his frustration that the quarterback was holding the team back.

The six-year, $59 million contract extension Fitzpatrick signed in October of 2011 turned out to be an expensive mistake ? and a reminder that sometimes in the NFL, ?six-year contracts? last less than a year and a half. If the Bills give this move a post-June 1 designation, Fitpatrick?s cap hit would be $3 million this year and $7 million in 2014.

Now the question is where the Bills will look for their next starting quarterback. This isn?t viewed as a great year to draft one, but the Bills may decide to spend their first-round draft pick on a passer they hope will be their franchise quarterback.

And the question for Fitzpatrick is whether any team wants him. If any team does, it will likely be as a backup ? and will definitely be for a lot less money than the Bills paid him.



Georgetown has Big East coach, player of the year

John Thompson Jr., left, congratulates his son Georgetown head coach John Thompson III, right, after an NCAA college basketball game, Saturday, March 9, 2013, in Washington. Georgetown won 61-39 over Syracuse. (AP Photo/Nick Wass)

John Thompson Jr., left, congratulates his son Georgetown head coach John Thompson III, right, after an NCAA college basketball game, Saturday, March 9, 2013, in Washington. Georgetown won 61-39 over Syracuse. (AP Photo/Nick Wass)

Georgetown head coach John Thompson III goes to cut the net after Georgetown beat Syracuse 61-39 an NCAA college basketball game to win the regular-season Big East Conference title Saturday, March 9, 2013, in Washington. (AP Photo/Nick Wass)

Georgetown forward Otto Porter Jr. (22) reacts as he climbs the ladder to cut the net after Georgetown beat Syracuse 61-39 in an NCAA college basketball game to win the Big East Conference regular-season title Saturday, March 9, 2013, in Washington. (AP Photo/Nick Wass)

Georgetown forward Otto Porter Jr. (22) takes a shot against Syracuse forward Rakeem Christmas (25) during the second half of an NCAA college basketball game, Saturday, March 9, 2013, in Washington. Georgetown won 61-39. (AP Photo/Nick Wass)

(AP) ? John Thompson, the first of the Georgetown coaches with that name, was sitting on a raised area just feet from where John Thompson III was accepting the trophy for Big East Coach of the Year.

Tuesday's presentation brings JT III, as he is known, within two seasonal awards of his Hall of Fame father.

It almost seemed like closure when the award was presented.

John Thompson won the award after the Big East's first season in 1979-80. John Thompson III won it for the season that will be the last of the Big East as we know it. Seven Catholic members have left with others leaving in a year or two. The surviving Big East football schools will play on with others schools joining over the next few years.

JT III doesn't care about any of that now.

"I wish you guys would stop writing obits and start looking to the future," he said. "We are looking forward and we will have Big East basketball next season and the postseason tournament will be played at Madison Square Garden with some of the best teams in the country, some of the best coaches in the country.

"This will be a very good league, a league (the late Big East founder) Mr. (Dave) Gavitt will look down and smile upon. It will be a conference my dad and the other great coaches like Lou Carnesecca and Rollie Massimino will smile upon and (Connecticut coach Jim) Calhoun and (Syracuse coach Jim) Boeheim will begrudgingly smile about it."

The Hoyas shared the regular season title with Louisville and Marquette with 14-4 records. A lot of their success, which included a school-record 11 straight Big East wins, can be attributed to 6-foot-8 sophomore forward Otto Porter Jr., who was the unanimous choice as Big East Player of the Year.

Porter was second in the league in scoring (18.1), fifth in rebounding (7.3), tied for third in steals (1.8) and second in 3-point shooting (44.1 percent).

He said he never thought about winning the award but he has looked at the list of names he joins, including six former Hoyas who took home seven trophies ? the last being Jeff Green in 2006-07.

"It's a big advantage having Coach Thompson around," Porter said, referring to the father. "It's so great that he and others around the program help us so much and teach us so much. We are always ready to listen to him."

The elder Thompson said his half of the father-son combination doesn't matter to him.

"As his father this is significant to me," he said. "Everything he accomplishes means an awful lot to me and makes me proud. I don't think as much as me winning than as him. With me it was such a job.

"He's a modest person. He wouldn't feel any accomplishment if he was successful and the team wasn't. I think of him more as an individual than he does himself and I feel good about that."

John Thompson won six Big East tournaments, one behind Calhoun's record. His son had one (2007) and his team starts play in this year's tournament Thursday as the No. 1 seed.

JaKarr Sampson became the second straight St. John's player to be selected Rookie of the Year. The 6-8 forward is the conference's top freshman scorer (14.9) and rebounder (6.6). He follows Moe Harkless as rookie of the year.

"The Big East Rookie of the Year award was one of the individual goals I set for myself," Sampson said. "This is a big moment for me. I'm proud of myself for achieving my goal."

Sampson becomes the second straight St. John's player to earn Big East rookie honors and the third overall. Harkless took home the league's top freshman honor in 2011-12, while David Russell earned the award in 1979-80.

St. John's coach Steve Lavin said Sampson "probably has as much enthusiasm as any player I've coached. Energy is one of his gifts, he brings electricity and energy to the game, that separates or distinguishes him from other players."

Associated Press


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Monday, March 11, 2013

Palm Top Theater turns your iPhone into a mini-3D display

"Pepper's ghost" isn't the sort of phrase you hear very often at a show like SXSW. In amongst all the latest-generation technology, there aren't too many folks discussing optical concepts hundreds of years old. But the idea's a driving force in the Palm Top Theater, an iPhone case that turns smartphone videos into a miniature 3D-viewing experience. The peripheral utilizes three small drop-down displays -- the rear is a full mirror with two half mirrors in front it, reflecting images from the phone display into what appears to be a three-dimensional object -- and really, it a stunning little effect.

The Palm Top requires the use of a proprietary file format that essentially splits the displayed image or video into three parts. The company's providing some video for users, as well as a converter app to make custom footage. The device is available now for around $36 -- not super expensive, though it's hard to see such a device as anything but a niche product, especially since the opening makes for a fairly limited viewing space. It would be extremely cool to see this on a larger space, but in the meantime, you're stuck with a little window into the technology.

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Sunday, March 10, 2013

3 big write-offs on Form 4562 ? Business Management Daily: Free ...

Thanks in part to ATRA, certain business owners and real estate owners can continue to claim three generous deductions for 2012 on Form 4562, Depreciation and Amortization. The three breaks are as follows:

  1. A business can claim a maximum Section 179 deduction of $500,000 with a phaseout threshold of $2 million. The deduction is claimed in Part I, Election to Expense Certain Property Under Section 179.
  2. A real estate owner can write off up to $250,000 of qualified real property, including expenditures for qualified leasehold improvements, qualified restaurant buildings and improvements and qualified retail improvements.
  3. A business can deduct 50% bonus depreciation for qualified new (not used) property placed in service in 2012. The deduction is claimed in Part II, Special Depreciation Allowance and Other Depreciation.

Tip: This is down from 100% bonus depreciation in 2011.

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Saturday, March 9, 2013

OUR OFFICE IS MOVING ? Wednesday March ... - Vouga Elder Law

Disclaimer: Vouga Elder Law, LLC, welcomes the opportunity to become your trusted guide and counselor on the types of legal matters discussed on this web site. Only after an appointment, at which time we will provide advice to match your particular circumstances, should the reader of this web site make any decisions on what to do or not to do. Providing, publishing, or distributing this web site is not intended to create and reading this web site or receiving anything offered does not create any attorney client relationship between Vouga Elder Law, LLC (or any of the contributing authors) and the recipient or reader. No one should act or not take action on the basis of anything contained on or received from this web site without seeking specific legal advice from Vouga Elder Law by making an appointment to discuss your particular facts and circumstances.

We make reasonable efforts to keep the information on this website current. Because of constantly changing laws, after the date information is first posted, this web site may not reflect the most current legal developments, minimum and maximum income, asset, or other monetary amounts for Veterans benefits, SSI, or Medicaid purposes, or administrative or court decisions. Information on this web site should not be taken as an indication of future outcomes.

All information on this web site is for informational purposes only. The information on this web site is not offered as legal or any other advice on any particular matter or situation. Vouga Elder Law, LLC, and the contributing authors expressly disclaim all liability, including, but not limited to, any and all consequences, to any person in any respect as to anything done or not done, whether wholly or partly, in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this web site.

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Microsoft Is Still Writing Checks to Nokia, but Things Will Switch Soon

As part of Microsoft?s deal with Nokia, both companies are paying each other billions over several years. However, the exchange is heavily uneven, with Nokia getting most of the cash early on and Microsoft getting more in the deal?s later years.


As we pointed out in January, Nokia has reached the point at which it owes Microsoft more in guaranteed minimum royalty payments than it is due in future ?platform support payments? from Microsoft. Nokia has been getting $250 million per quarter from Microsoft since the deal took effect.

In a regulatory filing on Thursday, Nokia went into more detail on just where things stand.

Nokia noted that it now owes Microsoft more than 500 million more euros ($650.5 million) than it is due from Redmond. However, for the balance of 2013 it still expects to be getting a net payment from Microsoft.

Here?s the full text of what Nokia had to say on the matter:

Our agreement with Microsoft includes platform support payments from Microsoft to us as well as software royalty payments from us to Microsoft. Under the terms of the agreement governing the platform support payments, the amount of each quarterly platform support payment is USD 250 million.

We have a competitive software royalty structure, which includes annual minimum software royalty commitments that vary over the life of the agreement. Software royalty payments, with minimum commitments are paid quarterly. Over the life of the agreement, both the platform support payments and the minimum software royalty commitments are expected to measure in the billions of US dollars. Over the life of the agreement the total amount of the platform support payments is expected to slightly exceed the total amount of the minimum software royalty commitment payments.

As of the end of 2012, the amount of platform support payments received by Nokia has exceeded the amount of minimum software royalty commitment payments made to Microsoft, thus the net cash flows have been in our favor. As a result, the remaining minimum software royalty commitment payments are expected to exceed the remaining platform support payments by a total of approximately EUR 0.5 billion over the remaining life of the agreement.

However, in 2013 the amount of the platform support payments is expected to slightly exceed the total amount of the minimum software royalty commitment payments, thus the net cash flows are still expected to be slightly in our favor.


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Friday, March 8, 2013

Samsung loses UK lawsuit against Apple over 3G data

Galaxy S III and iPhone

Samsung hasn't been catching many breaks in its court battles with Apple as of late, and that trend isn't quite over yet. A UK court just tossed out claims that Apple violates three Samsung standards-essential patents relating to 3G data transmission, tentatively leaving the American firm free to sell iPhones and other cellular devices in the country -- as long as other lawsuits don't get in the way. Samsung hasn't determined whether or not it will appeal, but a second try isn't as surefire as it might be elsewhere, not when the Galaxy maker has a less-than-stellar record in winning cases where 3G is involved. We'd just like the whole mess to be over.

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Source: Reuters


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Thursday, March 7, 2013

iOS gains on Android in January as Windows Phone remains stagnant

RIO DE JANEIRO, March 5 (Reuters) - Brazil coach Luiz Felipe Scolari stood up for specialist dribbler Neymar on Tuesday, saying the flamboyant forward's reputation for falling down easily was undeserved and exaggerated. "He gets fouled 10 times a match, and possibly one or two of those free kicks shouldn't be awarded, but then that is normal in football," Scolari told a news conference on Tuesday. "The coaches who criticise Neymar, who claim he falls over or simulates fouls, do that because it's an easy way out for them. ...


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ASP Top 34 kick-off World Title campaign with Round 1 of Quiksilver ...

The opening event of the 2013 Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP) World Championship Tour finally got underway, with all 12 heats of Round 1 of Quiksilver Pro Gold Coast getting completed at the alternative event site of Rainbow Bay in Queensland, Australia, on Tuesday, March 5, 2013.

With clean two-to-three foot waves on offer at the event site, the surfing heavy-weights from around the globe had an ideal stage on hand to put their exquisite skills on display and get themselves through into the third round without having to surf in the second round.

Reigning ASP World Champion Joel Parkinson was involved in one of the biggest upsets of the day as he ended up finishing behind fellow Australian Matt Wilkinson in the sixth heat.

He put on a superb performance, registering a heat-total of 17.73 points, but this was unable to keep Wilkinson at bay, who took the win by getting to a heat-total o 17.76 points.

?It feels good to post a win over someone like Joel (Parkinson),? Wilkinson said. ?He obviously knows the banks here better than everyone, but I feel like I?ve been surfing well the last couple years ? things just haven?t been going my way. I definitely feel like I surf stronger on my backhand and the waves lined up for me in that heat. Pumped to be through to Round 3 and hope to keep it pushin?.?

Parkinson is expected to bounce back in his Round 2 heat and successfully make it into the third round.

11-time ASP World Champion Kelly Slater got off to an ideal start, getting the better of fellow American Kolohe Andino and Dane Reynolds in the fifth heat to secure his place in the third round, relegating both his rivals to the second round.

Australia?s Mick Fanning, former two-time ASP World Champion, was nothing short of outstanding on the first active day of the competition. Showing no mercy to fellow compatriot Willian Cardoso and America?s Sebastian Zietz, the 31-yeaqr-old Fanning posted a heat-total of 17.24 points to claim a comprehensive victory.

South Africa?s Travis Logie sent Brazil?s Adriano de Souza and Hawaii?s Dusty Payne into the relegation round, whereas South Africa?s Jordy Smith got the better of America?s CJ Hobgood and Ireland?s Glenn Hall in the final heat of the first round to advance straight to the third round.

When the action resumes, Parkinson will take on fellow countryperson Brent Dorrington in a man-on-man battle for survival.


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Broadband and Wi-Fi Barring Protocol |

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For last five years a continual number of irregularities? have occurred in relation to phantom communication jamming / barring and IP blocking of Network protocols to Laptop, PC and possibility Table systems within Australian.

These occurrences have generally been focused on Residents and Citizens of Australia with usage of Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections section protocols required for Broadband Sticks, WI-FI and Wireless connections.

This however does not affect customer?s usage of Direct GSM connections on Mobiles to Network Providers, thus meaning interference whilst using mobiles directly for internet or data apps would not occur without network congestion or frequency hijacking (Peering issues to be addressed with PnP wireless broadband).

Under examination of the re-occurrence I have found that this problem may not reside with the Network Providers that customers are connected to for delivery of service.

Nethertheless this issue is operating illegally and targeting entities without known criminal profiles aka innocent Australians.

Furthermore this practise to inhibit, interfere and or data crawl personal systems being illegal additionally disrupts service providers in delivery of service to these customers and technical support costs attributed too.

Over four to five years numerous cross examinations of such happenings have been under taken with assistance of technical aid, supplied by providers from a number of Networks Providers within Australia whilst these issues are occurring and thereafter.

Origins would indicate a similarity to internet censorship of the Republic of China protocol, thus controlling and prohibiting media data and information of political nature, other than that authorised.

In mentioning this I am refer to a primary controller having the capabilities to bar and or censor/restriction of information to select or multiple persons and or businesses.

This above protocol was recently pushed as an amended policy option via the Australian Government, giving allowance to legalise internet censorship with additional technical powers given to investigation units to intrude on civilian?s and businesses privacy without warrant.

I mention this above as it is highly likely this practise has already been in play/use without Comlaw (attorney general) stamping in test or civilian inhabitation and privacy interference.

This protocol action could only be accessed, authorised and acknowledge via communications at the top end level additionally having grade 1 level encryption services for general use and IP shielding.

This in layman terms means general technical and wholesale staff of service providers, possibly even the Network Providers themselves would not have access or knowledge of these protocols in use, nor would such be detected via in house communication systems due to legalities and liability issues.

This protocol as mentioned has been in Active Play for more than 5 years within Australia, this in general use and or trail with civilian testing.

I had communicated with the main communications giant Telstra Australia on GSM access to other service providers, the email and phone correspondence returned indicted that Telstra had no access to other providers in relation to GSM Technologies?, such operated independently.

Additionally an intrusion trackback was made to the Microsoft Corporation server fixating on their atdmt folder located in Saint Louis, MO USA ISP: Colo4 this brought to US-Cert?s attention.

I have brought this up due to the fact that it is Microsoft that invented Network Protocols? and have the knowledge to technical capabilities to make behind the scenes alterations to file systems.

Though mentioned that Microsoft have the capabilities to invent these Network protocols, and additionally capable of applying back of house inhibitors and or intrusive data scans, without knowing the contents of Atdmt we could assume that this is their extent.

This reason is secured by the factors that for Microsoft to remove a protocol barring and or inhibitor such would require access via data to the system, whereas the case states that such barring and or inhibitors are lifted without data access prior to network connection.

The case study would show as mentioned the network protocol inhibitors and or barring are placed just prior to the customer/civilian accessing their Network Provider Service, with additional IP blocking in place where connection is made, as secondary protocol.

This on a customer/civilian?s system via use of Wi-Fi would indicate Access: Local Only with Unidentified Network (no data usage accessible or in operation at this time).

In relation to Broadband PnP Wireless Sticks these are signal jammed from network or deliver the same indication stated above with signal.

Working of scenario in work of being able to achieve this, one would need access to a primary network provider and their access points.

Access Points:

1. Telstra Australia communications system with high level access for override of Wholesale provider data systems.

2. Telstra Exchanges access allowing tagging, tapping and network inhabitation, this additionally housing all provider network access boxes.

3. Communication Towers access via Telstra, Government or National Security Divisions.

Such overrides would not interfere with the Service Provider as mentioned in general, yet provides interceptor allowances for protocol blocking/barring with addition to tapping of any service provider customer for data or screen leeching.

These areas are the weaknesses that indicate most likely in accordance to such happenings, other than frequency peering of Broadband PnP Sticks.

This solution was made via a setup use of Wi-Fi with hidden access, this accompanied by an access pass code, thus removing civilian hijacking from the big picture, without acknowledgement of Wi-Fi Hotspot Name or Code (undetectable to public).

Service Providers and Telco Recourse: I would state that as a provider of service to your customers, and your own network security you should audit your Raw Setup of communications for abnormalities and or primary access points.

As mentioned your systems general operation would not detect such interception or intrusion that not only is an inconvenience to your customers but that also of your service provider business alike (sales, support and allegiance).

This is an illegal protocol that is not authorised via Government, nor warrantable for non criminal entities at this point and a direct violation to Civilians Liberty and Freedom of Rights inclusive of Privacy Act, Communications Act, Cybercrimes Act and possibility Fair Trading Act (competitive competition).

Keep in mind that technical support for providers have stated they have no capabilities to block other than data run-outs and if service providers them self?s have been placing bars nevertheless to this correspondence on functions aka Network Protocols, Broadband or Mobile Wi-Fi functions, the above would also apply to you.

With exchanges I would recommend checking seal numbers and access points to box plug-ins for tampering or unauthorised abilities.

These occurrences in general become active at night around 15:00, to mornings anywhere up to a number of days later thereafter.

Customers have the right to the service in which they have purchased no matter of interest or purpose use and service providers have the right to uninterrupted service given to their client database.

Brett J Hutton


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