Monday, January 23, 2012

Bachmann speaks at St. Paul anti-abortion rally (AP)

ST. PAUL, Minn. ? Rep. Michele Bachmann predicted Sunday that the November elections will end abortion as she made her first public appearance in Minnesota since dropping out of the Republican presidential race.

Bachmann spoke to hundreds of people opposed to legal abortion who traveled on school buses from across the state Sunday to mark the 39th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion, Minnesota Public Radio reported ( The annual rally was sponsored by Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life, which said in a statement that the event drew more than 4,000 people.

Bachmann said the Supreme Court decision should be repealed within the next year.

"Here on our watch we will stand, we will stand for life, we will never forget, we will never give up, and next year we will gather in a day of celebration when we have finally ended abortion in this all important election," she said. "Join me this year. Choose life."

Bachmann has appeared at few public events in Minnesota in the past half-year, when her focus was on her GOP presidential campaign. She dropped out of the race after finishing sixth in Iowa's leadoff caucuses in early January.

She hasn't said if she'll run for a fourth term in Congress, representing suburbs north and east of the Twin Cities. In response to a question from a reporter, she said she'll give interviews soon on the subject.

Republican Reps. Erik Paulson, Chip Cravaack and John Kline also spoke at the event.

Planned Parenthood officials said they'll oppose any action that limits women's access to health care and legal abortion.


Information from: Minnesota Public Radio News,


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