Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Learn the Simple Present Tense - Spoiled Pets


1. Learn Vocabulary - Learn some new vocabulary before you start the lesson.

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2. Read and Prepare - Read the introduction and prepare to hear the audio.

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Pets are so sweet and cute, it can be hard not to spoil them. When your puppy looks at you with those big brown eyes, how can you not slip him a little people food under the dinner table?

But animals that get treated like royalty often behave like brats. It?s important to set boundaries with your pet so they learn how to behave. Amy is worried that she may be spoiling her puppy. Hear Ella give her some advice.




1. Listen and Read - Listen to the audio and read the dialog at the same time.

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2. Study - Read the dialog again to see how the vocab words are used.

Amy:??I have a puppy at home, and I am really worried about spoiling her, you know? Nobody wants to spoil their pet.

Ella:??I don?t know, my parents spoil their dog like crazy. She only drinks Evian water.

Amy:??No, you?re kidding!

Ella:??No, no.

Amy:??Well that?s really over the top.

Ella:??It is. I mean, what kind of things do you do with your dog?

Amy:??I definitely?she never is allowed to have people food. She definitely drinks tap water. And I feel like I give her a reasonable number of treats, and she has to do tricks and everything before she gets them. I think I mostly just spoil her with love and affection. Like I just constantly, when I?m at home, just want to be petting her and cuddling her and stuff because she?s so cute and soft.

Ella:??That sounds reasonable. You know, you have a pet, it?s kind of there for emotional comfort. I don?t know, I feel like my parents take it to another level with Coco.

Amy:??Is their dog obedient?

Ella:??Kind of, but my parents take her everywhere.

Amy:??So do you think she?s spoiled rotten, or do you think she?s still a good dog?

Ella:??Definitely spoiled rotten, but overall a good dog.


Grammar Point

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Lesson MP3

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Source: http://www.englishbaby.com/lessons/5823/real_life/spoiled_pets

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