Thursday, March 1, 2012

Are You Happy? | Life With Gene

Happy Kids

Take a moment and think about your goals.

Chances are good the images that come to mind are along the lines of your ideal mate, dream home, new car, money in the bank, or your career.

Ask yourself this: ?why do I want these goals??

If you are honest with your self, you can easily see that all goals have only one true purpose ? to make you happy!

I believe this is one of the reasons why so many struggle with success. That is, we mistakenly believe if we ?have? something, it will lead to our happiness.

Actually, this is a backward approach to goal achievement. You see, if you are ?happy?, achieving your tangible goals is no longer a challenge.

When you are focused on being happy right now, you are no longer functioning from a position of lack. Actually, you have eliminated your internal struggle and resistance to success and are now sending out good energetic vibrations which helps tremendously to attract all the other ?stuff? that you had previously been lacking.

Self improvement and goal achievement shouldn?t be a struggle, yet far too many are doing exactly that. You have probably been ?trying? this far too long. How about taking a different approach?

Take time each day to focus on being happy right now. Focus also on how you can spread your happiness around and help others to feel good about themselves. Look for the grudges and resentments that your subconscious has been holding on to and make a conscious effort to let go ? to forgive.

Changing how we think takes time and effort. We make little steps at first. Each action we take to focus on happiness builds, and our lives begin to change for the better in constantly increasing magnitude.

My favorite place to help me remain focused on happiness is this fairly new website:

Revelri ? High On Happiness

I love this site. Aside from the freebies you can download, you can learn about ?happiness? actions to enhance your life, pay if forward by sending healing to others less fortunate, tell the universe about your goals ? your intentions, and make a ?Gratitude Journal? ? all online.

You get to choose whether anything you write is public or private.

You also are involved in something bigger than just yourself ? that is, a ?happiness revolution? where like minded people are focusing on being happy in the now and also focusing on helping others to be happy.

It?s a win ? win for anyone and everyone who joins? And it is ?FREE?.

Click on the banner below and begin your own ?Happiness Revolution?. I?m confident you will begin feeling so good about your self, all your other dreams and goals will magically begin showing up at your doorstep.

Let go of all the effort and struggle and just be? HAPPY!


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