Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bob on Business Continuity: National Safety Month

National Safety Month, sponsored by the National Safety Council, is an annual observance to educate and influence behaviors around the leading causes of preventable injuries and deaths. Remember that your employees' safety is ultimately your responsibility and that failure to guard that safety can result in problems and/or lawsuits that can damage both your reputation and your bottom line. This week we look at some types of incidents that could be prevented with proper awareness and planning.

Employee safety is a critical part of any business. (Item #1) Are you too complacent about workplace safety? (Item #2) Even if you don't realize, an office can be a dangerous place. (Item #3)

Workplace violence is a huge threat to everyone's safety. (Item #4) Electrical safety should be every organization's concern. (Item #5) Use this checklist to see if your safety measures are up to par. (Item #6)

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