Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fashion-Focused Kaleidoscope App Readies Personalized Shopping & Recommendations

iOS Simulator Screen shot Aug 22, 2012 6.53.37 PMKaleidoscope, the mobile and desktop app which is the e-commerce equivalent to Pinterest's fashion-focused boards, helps users - primarily women - not just find outfits they like, but actually purchase them. The company recently rolled out an updated version of its app which represents the first step towards an important, forthcoming feature: Kaleidoscope is moving into personalized recommendations for fashion. What this means is that, going forward, Kaleidoscope won't be just about randomly browsing through tops and skirts and handbags and shoes - it will begin to learn what it is you like.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/wGkO26ekxJ4/

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